Show Data Points in Report Builder

Related products: CS Reports & Dashboards

I have a customer that uses the Report Builder tool outside of Gainsight to put in her presentations at work. Report builder works as it should. (confirmed with L2). 

The part in question is "show data points", it only shows above a certain threshold depending on the data in the report. 

In the image you can see that Show Data Points is "ON" but data only shows at certain points. Can you make it to where all data points show? 

Use case: I want to screen shot the image and put it in a powerpoint to show the data over time in an image. In a screenshot you wont be able to "hover" to view the data. 

There are few limitations for showing data points label; stacked charts we are considering >=15% and for other charts it is >=9% then only data points will be appeared in the charts. 
Similar issue with pie charts.   There HAS to be a way to enable all chart types to display the data points.

Hey Guys I wanted to follow up and see if there are any updates on this one.......Is there any way to include all data points? The reason this is important is that when you are sending an outreach the reports get sent as images and the customer loses the ability to hover the mouse over the data point to view the label. Also, for someone that doesn't know how the graphs where created, it looks like they are incomplete.