Need warning/help text on Edit Rule page regarding special characters

Related products: CS Rules & Permissions

Lately, Support receives one or more cases a week because rule names or descriptions containing quotation marks fail to schedule. This week, Greg Haugen from Jamf Software ran into this problem and recommended that we add a hover over the "?" behind the rule name and description fields to remind users that special characters are not acceptable in these fields.

I've added this detail to multiple rules docs on Gainsight Go, but it seems perfectly suited to hover/help text in the app.
I would have valued this kind of notification, albeit in a slightly different place. I recently created a Rule that creates a CTA with a ">" in the CTA title, and another with a "+". If the product doesn't serve me up an error, then I assume that the characters won't be a problem, but I was wary nevertheless of what might count as a "special" character. Quotes? Accented characters?
Thanks Lila for the quick turnaround in getting this idea in front of the dev team! Sorry I missed it in the docs, although it wasn't until I tried to run a schedule that it finally wouldn't save. Previews were still generated with results that I would've expected. 
Greg, this has come up at least 5 times in the last 2 weeks. You are not alone. 😉
bumping this thread because its a huge need.

special/illegal characters in rule names seem to be breaking the ability to save/clone records. Another example is when you have the wrong path for completing a dynamic CTA name. You don't get an error message or anything, it just fails to complete the expected action.

It gives the user the impression that Gainsight doesn't work correctly. A popup with some advice or workaround or anything just so the user [i]knows what is going on would be all it would take to solve these kinds of issues.