Sally NPS - Group Results instead of individual surveys

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It would be preferable to show grouped NPS results instead of specific survey titles.

Does anyone really want to click by survey? I imagine at some companies you have Onboarding or overall NPS survey, but the UX would be much better if the NPS results shown were aggregated over the last 12 months. 
Thanks for the feedback. I understand it is not an ideal experience to click by survey if you just want to see latest responses across NPS surveys over a time period.

The reason we have taken this approach is to 

  • Allow you to know and compare the NPS scores for each survey. To some extent this mimics the C360 surveys tab experience

  • Segregation of responses help incase you want to revisit responses to older surveys sent.
In this case, wouldn't you want to see the NPS score at each NPS survey level? The overall NPS score is anyways available from the Summary response if configured.
I would agree that the first Sally response on an NPS survey would be best to immediately show the top-level information: overall Account NPS, and maybe a list of users with their most recent NPS and its date (if they've filled out NPS surveys multiple times).

The comparison of different surveys against each other feels like a drill-down experience that could be available via a follow-up request/button in Sally.
I understand why -- and I imagine internally it works great for GS as you've created the system and your surveys are all properly named and classified. 

In our real world we've tested and iterated on surveys a lot so it looks very messy
Got it. We will take this feedback and will revisit the user experience.
Thanks Seth for the feedback. Makes lot of Sense!