Features Section of the C360 Page

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We view the Features Section as an important piece of our use of Gainsight that will help us to drive up-sell/cross-sell of our products. There are two things that I wish the Feature Section of the C360 page did differently:

First, Editable headers. I Know that this section is pretty much "out of the box" and there isn't really much customization available to this component, but for a non SaaS company, some of the the "Licensed" and "Enabled" headers don't make that much sense. It would be great if these headers were editable. How difficult would it be to add some more functionality to the setup of this section?

Second, I've setup rules to bring in data into Features Section and added an @[tag] in the comments field of the Action of the rule. When I run the rule, the data being brought in from the @[tag] populates the comments field of the Features Section. The only problem is sometimes there are multiple pieces of data being pulled in and there's no real way to separate them out - it just sort of runs together. I've tried using a comma and it doesn't completely work. Any ideas to get this to work?
Are there some standard fields you'd like to see in Features in addition to being able to name the columns?

On your second point, could you provide an example of what you are seeing - is it tag1tag2tag3 vs tag1,tag2,tag3??
Yes, I'd like to see "Installed" and "Suggested", instead of "Enabled" and "Licensed". That way the CSM can see what services the customer has and the services that the CSM has already suggested to the customer.

Below is a snapshot of one of the rules that I have setup. There can be multiple Service Category items that start the same way and will be pulled into the comments section by this rule. It is my wish that they are separated in some way, like a comma or something.


I'd like to see flexiblity to add/remove columns within the Features section to more closely align with our product hierarchy.
We would also like more flexibility with the headers of these columns. For us, we refer to 'enabled' as 'are they using.' 'Features' are 'Use Cases.' 

We would also like to add additional columns for 'Implemented' and 'Considering.' 

This way we could run some campaigns for clients who are enabled or 'using' as well as 'considering' a product.  
I agree with the comments above.  We would also like to add columns for Implemented and Considering, and plan to use rules to write meaningful comments into the comments section.
We would love to be able to use this section to show what a customer is using vs what is offered on their plan. Also, it would be great to overwrite the comment section instead of adding to it with each rule run. 

Example: Customer has used Product X 30 times this week.
Good call out, Lane.  It would be helpful if there was an option to overwrite the Comment section instead of adding to it with each rule run.  The redundant Comments unnecessarily take up a lot of space.  I have this problem myself!
I'm running into this problem as well! I would love to just see how many times they used/accessed a featured in the past 30 days, rather than a comment for each rule run.