Zapier connection

Related products: CS Data Management & Integrations

Any thoughts on having a Zapier connection that we can manage with the MDA?  I have spoken with a few customers that use it regularly for other things, including pushing or grabbing data from MDA.  
We are working for the next release about allowing the Action framework to call a webhook - so starting down that road - I call this the "Event Out" use case. This could be used with Zapier to drive actions in another system.  We are building towards "Events In"; however that would be later and is under consideration.
Denise, will an "event out" a way to post GS data to external systems using one or multiple options? For instance, pushing the current health score for customer A to JIRA?
Technically we plan on enabling an Action to "call a webhook" - Think I run this rule and one of my actions is a webhook that goes externally and could contain that update.  

The other option is to do this via Batch using a post to S3 option that JIRA would pick up and pull into their system.  

In both scenarios, A key consideration would be whether there is some mapping of "customer A" between JIRA and Gainsight.

Hi, bringing this back up. Are there any plans to expand the Gainsight integration to allow us to push to other systems from Gainsight?