Email assist tasks do not respect default token values

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In some recent troubleshooting we've discovered that Email Assist tasks do not respect default token values.

For example, if I have a token in my email template for "Phone Number" with a default value of "867-5309" to display when there is not currently a value in the phone number field, this works in Advanced Outreaches, but not in Email Assist tasks.

It's been explained to me that this is currently working as designed.

Is there any plan to allow default token values to be used in Email Assist tasks in the future?

I'd like to definitely throw my vote in on this one. We will be having some of our CSM's sending emails through tasks to email addresses that are contacts in Salesforce and addresses that are not associated with contacts in Salesforce. We would like to have the name token fill in the name for contacts, but just say "Hi there," for the other addresses.
Hi Tom,

Yes we do have plans to get Default values in EA when sending mails. (Also we will be showing a Information message whenever a Token is being replaced with default value)


Hi Britton,

When you say 'addresses that are not associated with contacts', does it means that To recipient will be an User or an entered Email ID?

In that case, we will not at all have Field against that record. In that case also you want it to be populated with Default value?


The emails that aren't associate with contacts will be email addresses that are manually typed in by the CSM. They will not have an associated contact, user, or any other ID linking it to a record. In those cases we would like a default value to be populated when the token should reference the contact record.

Any token referencing the account the CTA is assigned to should still pull the value from the appropriate field.
Any estimated time for this fix? thanks!
Hi All, Thanks for bringing this up. 

Since this is working as designed,changing this to an Idea post. We have already added this to our road-map.