Disable Save button on Surveys

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If you have a simple and short survey the Save button seems redundant and I've noticed actually confuses some customers as it's right next to the Submit button. 

It would be great to have the option to disable this on surveys. 
Thanks for posting this idea, I have added this idea as backlog item for Survey Team. Once its prioritised, I will update this thread.
I agree with this, I have seen some some confusion around this as well in support.
I am seeing more and more confusion with customers on this. They think they are submitting when they are actually saving. Maybe changing the name of the buttons to "Continue Later" and "Submit Now" and make them different colors? Maybe?
Please make this optional or remove it! This confused a lot of customers in our recent NPS survey. 
First of all thanks to everyone for their input, based on feedback we have decided to do following

  • Enabling Save button will be optional at per survey level.

  • Save button will be changed to Save & Continue and background colour of button will change to white with text in blue.
This will be part of Summer Release.
Save & Continue might be a little misleading. telling someone that they can save and then continue to something else like a second page or something like that. I would chose something more definite like "Save for Later" or something like that. The color will definitely help too. 
I agree with Save for Later. Also, maybe there should be a pop up when they click that so the user understands "by clicking this button, your responses will be saved, but your responses will not be submitted."

In my experience, customers do not come back to take a survey (mine are medical care professionals), so when they click "Save," I think they are confused, thinking it's "Submit," not actually planning to come back.
That would be cool to have a popup then there would be no confusion 🙂
This just looks like a design flaw for short surveys. I think a simple disable Save would solve this issue but not sure that would be scalable for every Gainsight customer.