Folder System or Hierarchy to Organize Journey Orchestrator

Related products: None

As we develop more content in Journey Orchestrator (Email Templates, Programs, Power Lists) it's becoming increasingly hard to find what I'm looking for. I'd like to see a better way to stay organized, for example a Folder System or Hierarchy. If each section in Journey Orchestrator had the same logic as the Playbooks section in Cockpit, that would resolve this pain point.

To stay organized with Email Templates, here are a few examples of how I'd want to use folders or hierarchy:

- CSM Emails

- Tech Touch Emails

- Test Emails

- Live Emails

- Playbook Specific Emails

- Archived


- Product



- Tech Touch

- Archived

Current state, they're all mixed together making it difficult to manage and identify the template/list/program you're looking for.

Similar requests:

Thank you. Those did not appear in my search before I posted. Voting now! 🙂
Programs need folders. There are sprinklings of this type of request in the community for more than 2 years however unlike Email Templates and Power Lists, Programs are not editable.

We've been live for 4 months and I have 11 programs with 98% of them being stopped versions of the same program due to tweaks. I dread ow unwieldy this will become as we actually start building out new programs.
Original Post + Program Folders

Is there a status update on the idea for foldering? I'm unable to find the related requests John Applebaugh posted after the Community relaunch. However, it seems that this is a high request.

As we continue to expand our Gainsight usage, most of the tools in Journey Orchestrator are becoming unmanageable. I have 19 programs running, with 13 more launching today. This number does not include the total stopped programs because as Kelly mentioned previously, you can't edit programs without stopping and copying. (another feature request that I hope is coming soon!)

I think they're coming soon! Maybe @dan_ahrens can add more info.

Yes, foldering on JO is coming on the nearer term roadmap. Targeting before end of the year.