Email Configuration: Email to Timeline

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Is anyone aware of a way to bulk-add users to the Email to Timeline capability in Email Configuration?  It seems like a very manual process at the moment and we are about to add a significant number of CSM’s to the feature. 

In addition, could this be moved to a user attribute in the User Admin UI so we can update/manage en mass with the understanding that this would trigger the auto email?  I believe should a company ever migrate or change domain, this level of user management for this feature would also be useful .(just a thought)

Please advise? 

@keith_mattes  Still one by one as far as I know.  I do still find it a pain because whenever we add a new user, I inevitably forget to add them to the Email to Timeline, and will get pinged about it a few weeks later.  :)

@keith_mattes and @heather_hansen Thanks for bringing this up! we have this on our road-map. We are also planning for chrome and outlook plug-in. 

You can refer to below post for more information

Changing this to an idea post.

@sai_ram Thank you! Re: chrome and outlook plugins… is it part of that plugin to be able to query Gainsight for a list of customers and be able to email directly to timeline instead of including an actual person :) 

We have users that would like the ability to work within their email client in order to update Timeline directly.  Should I start a new thread for that?

@keith_mattes thanks for the quick reply! since both are the same, no new thread is required. 

Checking in on this, was there a way to bulk-add users to the Email to Timeline function?

I wonder if signaling this is “Implemented” is a bit misleading.

The original request from @keith_mattes was an enhancement to bulk-add users to the Email to Timeline capability in Email Configuration, removing the manual steps of configuring Email-to-Timeline which must be repeated for every single Gainsight user.

So far as I understand, that setup is still on a user-by-user basis. Adding bulk capabilities, or automation,  here would pay large dividends and take a repetitive activity off the Admin plate.

Putting this feature in a Permission Bundle, would be a very interesting idea. If the Bundle permissions the user to Email-to-Timeline, then configure the user automatically and send them their Email-to-Timeline address with no manual steps.

I agree that the status here is a bit misleading and should be updated.

Hi @keith_mattes , There was some miscommunication about this. Sorry for that. This is not planned in the short term as a team is working on other high-priority items. 

We should also be able to leverage the “User Groups” management, similar to the Dashboard permissions interface TBH.  Just repurpose what you have. (Sounds easy doesn’t it?) 🙂 Please keep us posted on this one.