
Need clearer documentation on the Snooze feature

  • 3 November 2015
  • 9 replies

Userlevel 7
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So far in our implementation I've received a number of questions around the Snooze feature. How do I snooze? How do I unsnooze?  Is snooze time based on system time or my local timezone?  When I set snooze is it THROUGH the defined date, or UNTIL the defined date?

It sounds like a simple feature until you go try to use it and then you realize the documentation around it is lacking.  

9 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +5
Thanks for your comments, Jeff. I'll update our support article on how to use the CTA detail view, specifically around the Snooze option. 
Userlevel 7
Badge +5
The article is updated. Please let us know if you have further questions.
Userlevel 7
Badge +4
This is great thank you!
Thanks for posting!  I get a lot of questions about this.  From my tests, snoozing does not change the close date of the CTA.  If the rep is trying to get the CTA to not look overdue, would you recommend I just tell them to change the close date of the CTA rather than snooze?  I ask becuase we use a formula on the Call to Action object to tell at a high level how many CTAs are overdue.  Our formula is:  if((TODAY() > JBCXM__DueDate__c), "yes", "no").  Therefore all CTAs with a due date less than today look overdue to our executives. 
Userlevel 7
Badge +5
Ellen, you're correct in that snoozing does not change the actual due date of the CTA. So it can appear overdue even though its snoozed. If you don't want the CTA to appear overdue, you'd actually have to change the CTA due date. 

We're interested in hearing what customers feel is the desired behavior for snooze. Would it be best if snooze actually changed the CTA's due date? 
Thank you!  We would like if the due date was updated to the snooze date.  
Userlevel 3
Badge +1
I'm new to Gainsight and the snooze function. I've been testing it and I agree that the Due date should be updated to the snoozed until date. What about the tasks associated with the CTA that is snoozed. Their date is not changed either nor is their status. Is this something that others would like to see fixed?
Userlevel 3
yeah, i don't CSMs actually snoozing a CTA unless it also changed the due date that you've snoozed it to.
Badge +1

I was hoping the Snooze feature would help prevent CTAs from becoming overdue in situations where the CSM is either waiting for internal answers/help or for the customer to respond or provide something.

Are the comments above from several years ago - is the only way to prevent something from becoming overdue by changing the CTA due date?

I agree that it would make sense for the Snooze end date to update the CTA due date. 

How does everyone else manage situations where due dates are unattainable due to factors outside of CSMs’ control?
