
Storing "personal" CSM notes in Gainsight

  • 11 October 2017
  • 5 replies

Curious if anyone else has encountered this situation.  

My CSMs are looking for a place in Gainsight to store “personal” notes about a customer.  For example, things that they would want to always keep top of

mind for themselves when working with a certain customer. 

Timeline doesn’t work great for this

since they have to filter by an update and remember the specific entry they

want to get to.  We could use the Comments field on the

C360, but my

fear is that once we start entering notes in there, some members of our leadership team (exec sponsors especially) might want us to standardize on what content we put in there, as well as agree to a

cadence for keeping the information evergreen.  I want the CSMs to be able

to write their notes more free form and not be worried about making them

perfectly presentable to others outside the team.

One other option would be creating a personal success plan for note tracking that a CSM would leave in Draft form so as not to show up in Cockpit.

Has anyone else dealt with this scenario and found a better way to make personal or

private notes on a customer in Gainsight that would be visible only to the CSM

team and not a wider audience?  Some team members are using Excel for this

today and I want to get them out of that habit.

5 replies

Userlevel 7
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Hi Mike,

One suggestion that I've used personally is the feature of Timeline drafts being autosaved and only visible to the author. I've used this to keep track of personal notes on an account by account basis as well as some topics that I wanted to be sure to discuss during my next call with that customer.

These drafts would be prominently visible to the author on the right panel and remain hidden until they log the event (which they could simply never do). 

Badge +1
Hi Mike! We have a similar use case and we covered it by implementing different views where CSMs will see some "tabs" in C360 where the rest of the org would not see those. We implemented it by having some custom attributes that CSMs would enter information on it.

Hope that helps...

Dan/Marcelo - Thanks for the tips!  I'll discuss these with the team and see if one of them will work for our needs.  
Mike, I polled our team and the other option that kept popping up, which had already occurred to you, is use of the Comments section in the C360 Summary.

However, I also want to point out the often unnoticed "Customer Goals" open text field in the Scorecard section in the C360, which can be collapsed so that the notes are not immediately visible to others. 

We used the tab option in C360 for personal notes that only the assigned CSM for the account can see.  This has worked really well!
