
Trying to create a report to show customers whose last closed CTA was 6 months ago or greater.

  • 8 March 2016
  • 5 replies

We'd like to report on any customer whose last closed CTA was 6 months ago or greater. We're trying to track customers who have not been "touched" recently. I'm struggling with getting customers whose last closed CTA falls into this timeframe ... I can filter on CTAs where close date meets the criteria but then those customers may additional CTAs closed more recently. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!

5 replies

Sarah - I believe that the best you can do now is "Closed Date" < "Last 120 Days". This will show you any CTAs that were closed more than 120 days ago.

Additional relative phrases as well as an option for the end-user to choose the numeric portion of the phrase (instead of hardcoded drop-downs) is a great enhancement request.

Product folks - Is this something already on the roadmap?
Hi Dave, thanks for the quick reply. Where I still struggle though is that I only want to see customers whose most recently closed CTA is 120 days or older. I need to get to that point which I still think I cannot do ... 
I see now. You will need to create a rule that pushes the max CTA Closed Date to a new field on Customer Info. From there, you can use the report filter that looks at the new field to only show accounts < Last 120 days.
Userlevel 7
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This just came up yesterday with our group too! We have the field in place for a couple of specific CTAs, but good to know we could do something similar with overall CTAs. For instance, we have a field to store the last date a QBR was completed based on when the last QBR CTA was closed. Then, in theory, we could push a CTA to tell the CSM that they haven't done one in x amount of days.
I like Dave's reply. We did something similar to capture the "Last QBR Date" by writing a rule to update a date field with today's date when a CTA for a QBR closed. I have also thought about adding a roll-up summary field to the Customer Object that is a roll-up of the max of CTA Closed Date, but haven't tried it yet.
