Remove the Delete function from Customers List

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I need the ability to remove the Delete function (Trash can) from the Customers List. We don't want end users to be able delete Customer Records.

I could potentially get the same result by changing object permissions, but am not sure of other consequences of that.
I experienced this today. We have 100 CSMs, they can all see this icon and of course one of them deleted an account that they no longer covered.

Does anybody know how to restore an account?

Please tell me we can deactivate this in the near future?
Hi Don -

You should be able to do restore if from the Recycle Bin. You'll need to select "All Recycle Bin"; if you are not a SFDC Admin, then have one of your admins do this for you.

Good luck -

Kristin is exactly right, Don.  If you need any assistance, please email and we can walk you through the steps.
Hi Scott, Quick follow up....depending on how your "load to customer" rule is set up, if a CSM accidentally deleted an active customer record then that night when the rules run if the criteria for an active customer is still met then the rule would automatically add it back, correct?  Obviously, the criteria for the "load to customer" rule would determine if this is valid for your company.  Could you confirm?  Thank you!
Hi're exactly right.  If the account that was deleted meets the criteria of the new customer rule, the Customer Info record would be created again.

One thing to think about, however is that associated CTAs and other similar data would not come back unless the undelete is performed.
We would also love to have the delete option removed. It would keep from having to worry about restoring or losing customer data
We currently do not respect SFDC object permissions while deleting Customers from Customers Tab. We will start respecting SFDC object level permissions while deleting customer records in our next release. 
I vote for removing the delete button overall.  Even if you respect object pewrmissions, the field is confusing and unnecessary.
With the new release, I cannot delete any customers now.  Somehow one customer got added by accident and I need to remove it.  How do I do that with the new release?
Hi Jason:

What you can do is create a report using Customer Info as the source object.  All you need in the show is the Customer Info::Id and Account Name.  You would then find the corresponding Customer Info Id for what you want to delete.  

From there, truncate everything in the URL after and paste in the Customer Info::Id value.  In the example below it would look something like this:

That takes you directly to the record in SFDC which allows you to delete.


Hi Jason,

We honor Salesforce object permissions, so the way to access the delete icon would be to get delete rights on our CustomerInfo object. You should be able to do this by editing your profile or modifying the relevant permission set.

