Config Snapshot Excel Formatting

Related products: CS Rules & Permissions

New Config Snapshot is an amazing functionality specially Custom Rules tab it provides complete information about rule setup but is bit complicated to understand. 

  • One suggestion that i had was if the show fields, filters and actions were reformatted to have a simpler understanding of the rule. Currently all the show fields and filters are clubbed into one sentence and it would be great to have proper punctuation in them. The other thing that i wanted to point out is the action info and action criteria column in which for a rule the action type and action criteria are shifted into a separate row. 
Thanks Rishabh for your feedback.

Formatting improvements should improve the readability of the doc. Action details are shifted into a separate row intentionally to help when there are more than one action per rule and that is the case with a good number of rules. 
As a follow-up to this idea on Rules worksheet in snapshot:

 - the action details on separate lines under the rule setup row makes sense

 - perhaps running the Rule Name down the column for each rule action could make a difference in ease of navigating - allows you to filter by a rule name and see the setup and all actions.

Each time I pull a config snapshot I end up running an "original sort order" number down an inserted column so I can always return my worksheet to the originally outputted order.

Then I run the rule names down the column until it hits the next rule name (next "setup" row) so I can filter by rules.  Would be nice to have a way to do this as part of the formatting we export.