Copilot emails should have clickable link to redirect to CTAs for internal outreaches

We send overdue CTA emails internally to our CSMs and, similarly, to how the Gainsight Daily Notification emails work, we'd like to include a field map that is a clickable link to that overdue CTA.

3 replies

Hey Scott, I'm thinking with the old/current UI this might not be possible because an individual CTA (nor task) appears to have a url attached to it. Looking at the video of the new UI it looks like each section within CS 360 has it's own object to reference, so maybe this will be possible?
Hi Scott - we are doing it individually because if we do a grouping it isn't specific enough (re: CTA name, due dates, etc.). So I'd love to hear how to tokenize the CTA link!!

Hi Allie:

When you send this email is it a grouping of all overdue CTAs by CSM (i.e. one email says "you have 5 overdue CTAs) or is this email being sent for each CTA?  If it's being sent as a grouping, we could most likely link to a report on a dashboard which will link to all overdue CTAs.  These table report is hyperlinked to the CTAs.

If you're sending them individually by CTA, then we should be able to tokenize the CTA link.  Let me know which approach you're going with and I can advise further.

