Cockpit: Remove health score from CTA list view

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I'm posting this on behalf of a customer, who would like to be able to configure the CTA list view to remove health score. This would be a product enhancement to Cockpit Configuration. Specifically, in the List view field configuration, show Customer::GS Health Score as a Selected field, so that it can be removed. 
Thanks for posting this Paul. Could you also tell the reason why they want to remove the health score from Cockpit list view. Specially if Scorecard is enabled and customers are being scored, we believe it will be valuable to see the health score in the listing interface, any particular reason why they don't want to see the health score here.   
Here's the use case: The customer would like to roll out health scoring to a small pilot group of users prior to rolling it out to all users.  So to avoid having lots of NA health scores in Cockpit and possibly confusing the users who are not in the pilot group, they would like to turn off the display of health score until they are ready to roll out scoring to all users.
Thanks for the use case Paul. We will review this further.
I also have this request. With the new UI I was able to remove items from the CTA but I think the biggest issue is that we cannot see the full text of the CTA. It's cut off and requires some clicks to get into it and see what it is (see below).

We have numerous places we can get the health score of the customer on C360, so just adding it to the CTA would be nice to have it be an OPTION to remove. I don't discredit the value for some people, but because it's something that is the same (unlike a due date, that's obvious you need to have in this column view) then all the CTA's are the same because the score remains the same.

I would like to second Paul's request.  For my customer, they aren't currently tracking health score, so their team sees a big gray block.  It would be nice to turn it on/off when necessary, even if its a global admin setting.
We got this request from CA technologies as well. Any update on this? 
Hi Nadav,

We have this in our roadmap and once we have an ETA, i will update the thread with the same.


More to the point there is too much whitespace in the cockpit!  Not sure why the text cannot extend farther to the right.  But we also would like to remove the scorecard (or have the option) especially since we now have two scorecards and do not have them roll up, so the score may not really be accurate.
Our team would also like cockpit a lot more if we could remove the health score boxes. Currently, we don't use "overall health" (we use individual measures and will move towards an overall health/"rolled-up" score next year).

Is this idea still under consideration?
We also would like the health scores column removed from the cockpit view. Any updates on this?

@hitesh_sharma Is this still on the roadmap? We have the same request.

A bump and an upvote

@mpatra could you pl take a look?

Hi @sacha ,


You can hide the health score from the CTA List View now. Please find the screenshot for reference. Let me know if there are any other questions I can help with.




Thanks @mpatra for the update. Changed Idea status to ‘Implemented’.