
Manually update overall health score?

  • 8 July 2015
  • 8 replies

How can I manually change the overall Health Score for an account deemed At Risk? The measures are all positive but direct client feedback tells us otherwise.

8 replies

Hi - Are you all using any type of qualitative metric(s) in your health score that hold a % or have value impact on the overall Health Score? You can weigh your qualitative metric against your quantitative (automated and rules based) metrics in such a way that any qualitative metric assigned can outweigh false positives/negatives. 
We have a subjective health score with a particular weight - 45% that allows this measure to really make an impact on the overall customer score.   So if the CSM has that direct customer feedback, they can change this one measure as to impact / change the overall health score to a much lower value.
We use a Client Temp score to at least partially achieve this. But there are a couple of use cases where it would be nice to be able to override the Overall Health Score (e.g. putting customer on service hold due to nonpayment).
As of now all our metrics are quantitative. If I create this as a qualitative measure of 45%, will it only be included into the overall scoring if there is a value in it? Do I leave it as NA (grey) if there is nothing to report?
You might want to test it, but my understanding is that if there is no score in one of the fields; it is ignored and the overall score is calculated based on the relative % of the remaining individual scores. Our approach is actually to score the Client Temp as 0/50/100; and that score is taken into account for the Overall Score.
Userlevel 6
JD is correct - if your qualitative measure is NA for some customers, then it's ignored and the weighing is spread across the remaining measures in your scorecard.   Thanks!
This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Manually update overall health score?.

How can I manually change the overall Health Score for an account deemed At Risk? The measures are all positive but direct client feedback tells us otherwise.
Userlevel 7
Badge +7
I just wanted to lob in a +1 for this feature.

I'm exploring the idea of using the normal weighting of scores, but if more than 2 or 3 of the measures are yellow or red, I want to knock the overall score down from green to yellow or yellow to red.

For a workaround, I'm considering either:

  • Create a "multi-risk" scorecard measure that has a huge portion of the weighting and is only filled out when 2-3 of the measures are yellow or red. This feels hack-y and awkward, though, and exposes an extra score to CSMs that I don't want them to have to see.
  • Use a "Load to Customers" Rule Action to set the Current Score, Current Score Label, and Current Score Value. I don't know if this would somehow break other things, though.
