Categorize Outreaches/Folder System (like with Reports)

I found the folder system/ability to categorize with Reports to be EXTREMELY helpful and a great improvement to the user experience. Having said that, when can we expect a similar feature with Copilot? I currently have ~30 Outreaches and those are steadily growing, so are my Power Lists and Email Templates. It's already becoming tedious to go through these since the naming convention for the different functions are similar.(i.e. numerous outreaches, lists, templates that start w FY_ Q_, etc.).

6 replies

I want this for both outreaches and email templates. We are HEAVY Copilot users and its hard to keep organized.
This would be super helpful. We have a larger number of powerlists and outreaches. You can kinda accomplish this with variants, but only in some situations. A folder structure would be much cleaner in my mind.
This is a great suggestion! I look forward to hearing from our Product team as to when we can expect to see this.
This is definitely on our roadmap, once it is picked up for engineering to execute i will update ETA over here.
This would be super helpful for us as well. Excited for updates! 
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@praneet I see that you mentioned this was on the roadmap back in 2017. Can you provide updates? I'm not easily able to locate this information in the community or elsewhere. Thank you! :)

My similar idea:
