Timeline scroll down issue in Rules

Related products: CS Rules & Permissions

Timeline feature in rules engine is so helpful in debugging issues, but scroll down feasibility is not so great, we need to click and wait for it to scroll down. It's not seamless.

And can we also show the type of run i.e manual/scheduled/historical run
Timeline scroll is a costly operation to fetch data from backend so we may not improve that for a while. Manual and scheduled run is distinguished by a human icon VS an  computer monitor icon respectively, did you mean to ask for those options in filter in timeline view?
+1 for additional  filtering in the timeline view.  We have around 80+ rules running multiple times in a day and whenever there are failures , its hard to identify success vs failure by scrolling down. Having either date based or status based (failure, success) filters would be helpful.
Sundar, Can we at least get a feature which allows to directly go to a particular date time period? Since you only have load the details within a time frame, i think the scroll experience can also be better this way.
That is a great suggestion, will add to the filtering options required.
Yes to this! We were debugging a rule last week and had to search through the Rules engine Timeline. It took FOREVER to scroll down and find what we needed. Having the ability to filter by date, Rule, etc. would be sooooo helpful! 🙂