Auto resize containers in Layouts for small amounts of data

Related products: CS Reports & Dashboards

I am adding more and more reports to my different Layouts and found that if there is a small amount of data displayed, the container does not resize causing a fair amount of wasted white space. There should not be a minimum size for these containers and it should resize to reduce white space on the page.

Hi Dave,

Thanks for your feedback. One follow-up question - Do you expect the container size to resize when there are more # of rows than that can be displayed in the container?


No, I think that the current size is good for larger reports. In one of my current dashboards, I have a container that has a report with a couple hundred lines. About 15 are displayed, with a scroll bar on the side to view the rest. For a dashboard, that is fine. There would be no need, and it may even be worse, to expand that to show all items in the dashboard view. I would just like to eliminate the extra white-space that comes with a smaller number of rows.
While this is an older post - I'm wanting this exact thing.  I have a few reports that there is a Widget to Summarize the information, and then the chart that gives a break down of the information.  If I could resize the containers, I could have Widget - Container - Widget - Container in the top row.  Which would solve the extra (wasted) space...and a slight OCD.