Add ability to group customer contacts into something like a DL

Related products: CS Timeline

CSMs often have to add customer contacts in as "external attendees" for all of the timeline activities they have to create and that's become cumbersome for them. Is there a way, maybe with the idea of a Gainsight "Person", where a CSM can create something like a power list or distribution list that contains all the active contacts for an account?
Hey Jen, 

Do you want to add this powerlist as an external attendee in the activity?

Can you share us the exact use-case you are trying to achieve .
Hi Jen,

One perspective to consider is that if you have a contact at a customer who is attending meetings and who is NOT in your CRM as a contact, this represents a gap and maybe a risk. 

It's generally good data & contact hygiene to ensure that any customer contacts are represented as contact records in your CRM system. 

In this regard, Timeline can help remind your CSMs to keep your CRM system updated and accurate.

One easy flow to help with this is that you don't need to leave the Timeline page to add a contact:

  • Click on the three dot menu in the upper right hand portion of the page 

  • Select View Contacts

  • Add the contact in the SFDC contact page (it will open in a new tab)

  • You can now return to the tab that has Timeline and search for the newly added contact in the External Attendees section and the person will appear (no need to reload or refresh the page). 

Yup, as an external attendee. The main use case is for what I described above relating to timeline activities. CSMs have a lot of activities to add, and for our large enterprise customers, there are often times when there are several of the same contacts on every call.
Thanks, Dan. I agree that good data hygiene is important, so maybe this DL can act the same way as Outlook DLs do, where you can expand the list and delete, add ppl as necessary.
Dan/Sai--one way to get to the desired end state without a DL is to add the ability to duplicate timeline activities (or at least everything aside from the notes).