Rule logic needs to be maintained

Related products: CS Rules & Permissions

When you have modified a rule's Advanced Logic (to be something like "A and B and (C or D)" and then you add another field to the filter the logic just results back to "A and B and C and D and E". And then I spend then next 5 minutes trying to figure out what the heck happened... and then remember it's the logic and spend the next 5 minutes trying to remember what it was!

My suggestion is that the logic just remain as it is and maybe do a highlight to remind me to update it when I add a field. Or add the new field to the end like "A and B and (C or D) and E." Either works for me!
Thanks for posting Jeffrey. Yes- this needs to be addressed. I have had rules be broken and had no idea why and then come to realize the logic was lost.
I feel better knowing I'm not alone in my insanity. (Though that's offset somewhat when I realize I'm posting about the rules engine at this hour! 🙂
Just had the same issue. Definitely needs fixed.
I've hit this as well, thanks for posting!
and this should not only be for rules but every where you can add logic (i.e. survey participants as well)
Great idea - you may also consider the placement of the advanced logic field.  Placing it at the top of the page (maybe along with the time definition) would give prominence to it.  The UI on any rules interface is super important.  I could spout off many different systems I've used (including Salesforce) that could have done this better.  Some of the better visual approaches I've seen include ones that have a nesting component like the example below which would give more importance to the logic.  

Thanks Jeffrey for your feedback.

Luis, Thanks for the share, it is a good insight. On a lighter note, "I was born intelligent but education ruined me". All software engineers are taught ((A and 😎 or C) as the way to represent logical condition instead of simple English (Any and All)

This will addressed in August / Setember in Rules Engine by adding "AND" condition instead of entire reset. 
Just had this problem, hope this is going to be fixed soon.
[Update] This enhancement is not yet been released, will keep you posted on the exact dates.
Looking forward to this feature. I end up having to copy to an "off-site" location the logic so as not to lose it during rule or report construction.
This happens in Reports too, so it would be good to have the same enhancement there.  
I also just 'discovered' this and am happy to see that others have requested it be changed.
This enhancement is slated for January release. 

Advanced logic on Copilot Powelist creation is now resilient to new filters added and removed. Similar support will be extended to Rules advanced logic too.
Thanks for making this one happen! Highlight of my year so far! 😉