Allow search by unique identifier (other than account name) in Customer 360

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We have a large number of accounts that have the same company name but we use a number as an unique identifier.  If we could search by that unique identifier in the Customer 360 it would put much confusion at bay.  
It is on our roadmap to enhance the search capability in a similar direction for other purposes like searching and linking records to a CTA and being able to search for a customer name like L'Oréal by typing Loreal.

This enhancement could come in the next 3 months.
Hello Sidhu,  any updates on when this will be released?  Thanks!
Current ETA is Dec release. 

Has this been released? Our team would love to be able to search with a unique identifier in the search bar because we, too, have many companies with similar names. 

@sroma -- you can but it has to be string/text field (not ID field type):

@john_apple @sroma - this works great if you have a simple ID. For example, I used this for a customer that had a 5 or 6 digit number for each customer. It’s fairly straight forward to type in the data and search for the account. 

But if you want to use a more complex ID (like the SFDC 15 or 18 digit ID or the long GSID), it becomes a lot less user friendly. But the solutions above will work well if you’re using a simple ID in string format. 

This is awesome- hadn’t seen this feature yet and we have a simple ID that worked great here. Thanks @john_apple @jean.nairon !