[Ask from Customer] - "Renew All" button for manual scorecard elements

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It will be great if there is any functionality which will allow a user to click a button and have all the manual scorecard elements for that given customer updated (keeping the score the same).

As they want to eliminate manually entering the elements as there are n accounts with CSM and they need to click n accounts * number of elements, which requires numerous clicks. So, it will be good there will be a Common Button which will renew the current score with One Click.

Let me know if you need more information.
Hi Hitesh,

Can you provide a little more detail on the frequency of this scenario and the scope?

  • How often is the CSM having to update the score on a customer? Weekly, Monthly, other?

  • How many measures per customer are manual measures?

  • Could any of the manual measures be considered for conversion to automated measures (for accuracy and efficiency)?

  • How many customers is each CSM managing?
On the surface, it feels like the frequency of update is too rapid or number of manual measures is too many so as to cause this level of user pain, and especially when the user is not making any changes to the measures, either.
@Mark - Can you please help with above information?
Hello Dan, Thank you for responding. To answer your questions:

1) we require our CSMs to update the score no later than on a weekly basis, but certainly updating them as the conditions exist

2) we have 8 measures which we require our CSMs to update manually

3) unfortunately not since these are subjectively measured. However, some of their scores require some gathering of data from other sources. It is their interpretation of the scenario and data which allows them to subjectively score each week 

4) each CSM is managing about a dozen customers.

Thank you.
