Dashboard Sharing Painpoints

Related products: CS Reports & Dashboards

I’ve been working through sharing a dashboard to internal stakeholders and I’ve come across a few painpoints on Managing a share.

  1. Unable to edit the “Users” list
    - Completely unable to remove users once shared. I have to recreate the entire “share” item.
    - When adding a user, I have to create a new share yet appears in the “share list” as an extension of the original share. Yet if I delete the original share, the remaining share only contains the “newly added” users. This is misleading.
  2. Unable to edit the Subject full stop
  3. Unable to edit the Note full stop.
  4. Able to manage the “share type” and “security”.

Additional features that would be useful:

  1. Share via user group(s). Allows for easily maintaining/managing the distribution of the dashboard without edited/managing the schedule.
  2. Share via group email address (distribution list).

+1 - great suggestions that would improve our admin #qol.