Can we Extend the Formula fields Limit

Related products: CS Rules & Permissions

Hi team.

Can we extend the Formula fields usage limit in Transform Task. Which means, for ex: in Case Expression we are allowed to create only 10 Cases and if we want to use more than 10 Cases we have to create one more Case Expresion.
And after that we have to create one more Transform Task just to concat these 2 case expressions.


So if we can change the limit from 10 to 20 or some thing it would be good and helpful for us to eliminate the unnecessary transform task just to Concat those Case Expressions.



Thanks for posting this @phani_kumar. Will check any technical limitations that we have around the same. 


Meanwhile - Can you tell me what were you trying to accomplish with the set up here?

@phani_kumar please tell us your accomplishment here.


My use case was, I have a survey with a Multi-Select Picklist Question, and the question has more than 10 Values.

Now I am trying to load the Customer selected values into a Field which is an SFDC Object.

So in rule, I have to create a case expression for all the values which are existed in the Survey Question to get the API Name, because we need API names to load the data to the Multi-Select Picklist field into an SFDC Object.


At this point, I am unable to create more than 10 Cases in a Case Transformation.




Hi Phani,

We are looking to consolidate data prep experiences across multiple product areas in Gainsight. What this means is in short-medium term horizon, Rules Case will get all the capabilities of Data Designer’s Case which has a higher limit (50 filters). Let me know if that is enough for your usecases

+1, ran into this limitation and it’s a pain to get around. 

Are there any plans to update this? I just ran into this 10 formula field limitation with the new Rules Horizon UI.