JO Simple Programs - Do not require "Recipient Email Address" Major Pain/ Blocker to use

Related products: CS Journey Orchestrator, Email & Notifications

Right now, in the participant fields when you try to create the participant list you must have a field called “Recipient Email Address”. It is a MAJOR pain and frankly blocker to use. The majority of our dataset just have “email” which means we have to go back and change to “recipient email address” which may not be accurate for other places we use the data in.


There should be no requirement until mapping THEN you must require something map to “recipient email address”



Just upvoting and also adding that I have tried multiple times to use Simple Programs and always just go back to Advanced Programs due to weird issues.  Simple Programs seem to be designed with an attempt to be foolproof by making a lot of mapping assumptions, but in the end it makes it more difficult to use.

@jrich  This is absolutely spot on. +10000000000000000

On top of this, I’ve just noticed that in some situations, simple programs will go ahead and pick the first email address field and map it to recipient email address without leaving you a choice. I’m in the below case using a data design template which serves several purposes and I want to be able to select which of the email addresses is the recipient. Don’t want Gainsight to take the first alphabetical email field type. 


Adding @vmallya to this thread