Allow URL Parameters for Anonymous Surveys

Related products: CS Journey Orchestrator, Email & Notifications

It would be great if Gainsight would allow passing in url parameters to pre-fill a field in an anonymous survey. The use case here for example is that we may want to tag a specific subset of surveys with a unique identifier for a product code or repurpose the same survey for multiple uses to combine the data. 

It would be great if we could add something like ?prefill=product1 to the query and have it auto populate the textbox or identifier in the survey itself.

Great idea - that would also maybe work for working around the inability to distribute semi-anonymous surveys in other ways than through JO (which we absolutely need). 

We are also looking for this same functionality.  Similar to what was discussed in another thread (below), we would like to be able to pre-fill answers using URL parameters when directing users to the anonymous surveys from other systems (LMS, Hands-on Labs, etc).   The idea is to start collecting data points on the experience at these other properties to determine if we need to start instrumenting them with PX for deeper insights.