Be able to lookup to objects

Related products: CS Other Features

In the layout, you can input the company but you cannot lookup to any fields on the company.


IE once the Goal is created, we would want to redisplay some account fields like ARR or sentiment. This is an issue with Timeline layout creations for us as well - we should be able to create lookups

I think it is worth noting, for clarity, that you can create your own lookups on the object, you just can’t reference any of the fields beyond the lookup field itself.


I was able to create lookups, but like @andreammelde said you can’t actually use any fields, like Company>ARR on the goal itself if you want to have that as a reference on the goal itself:


Note that here I can pull in “Company” and “raNdom lookup’ but I can’t expand them and add any of the fields e.g., utilize the lookup I created in a meaningful way on the layout.

Yes, company/relationship fields cannot be referenced and displayed in the goal detail view layout (can be added as column in goals list view though). Since “customer goals” is a section in C360, these fields are available in summary or attributes section. But if its major usecase then will add to the roadmap.  

Yes, company/relationship fields cannot be referenced and displayed in the goal detail view layout (can be added as column in goals list view though). Since “customer goals” is a section in C360, these fields are available in summary or attributes section. But if its major usecase then will add to the roadmap.  

I would say it is - otherwise you’re forcing users to click between sections to view data you’ve created a lookup for on this object. The architecture of it is also confusing from an admin perspective, which goes back to the root problem I bet of “why is this a system object?”. We can create lookups but not use them?

Imagine this conversation about CTAs - would it make sense to say “Because a CTA is in a c360 section, the fields are available on the summary or attributes section” and not allow admins to add fields on a lookup to layouts?

Referencing company/relationship attributes in Customer Goal detail view is in the roadmap and will be prioritised

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Opened up this Discussion from the Customer Goals Beta into an Idea for Voting.

I would agree this seems like a miss.  I would say it doesn’t even make sense to have look ups out the box if you can’t even use them.

Any progress here?

Hi @gunjanm ,


It has been added to the roadmap and is awaiting prioritisation. I will keep this thread updated on the progress of the project.


