
C360 Dashboard For Executives

  • 3 December 2018
  • 3 replies

I want to Provision some internal employees with Viewer Licenses in Gainsight. These people do not work in Customer Success.

I want to created a 360 View for them that is different from the view available to CSM's. Currently anyone with Gainsight Access can see all account information in C360. To prevent misinformation, or information overload, I only want to show what we choose to share.

Can this be done?

3 replies

Badge +1
Bill we did a special view of C360 just for upper management (based on their title). It doesn't prevent them for modifying the content visible to them but it does avoid information overload. This document should help:

Userlevel 7
Badge +2
Hi Bill, is this what you're looking for?

Thanks, I will take a look
