
NPS answer “expiration date”?

  • 7 April 2020
  • 2 replies

When calculating NPS should you take into account answers from say two years ago if that’s the last time you heard from them? What should be the “expiration date” for an answer?

2 replies

Hi @anca_cioaca , There is no expiry date set for NPS answers. While visualizing, you can choose for which range do you want to see the NPS responses.

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For Reporting, you may want to consider trending -- Month over Month, Year over Year -- all NPS responses. For an individual Company, you could show most recent NPS, last 12 months, or Rolling NPS in your reporting. If using it as part of the Health Score, it makes sense to limit the time frame of responses that would impact Health Score as 2 years is rather dated information.
