
Report Folder Feedback

  • 28 February 2017
  • 1 reply

  • Registered User
  • 0 replies
While going through the experience of building new reports and utilizing the new Report Folders functionality in v5.5, the following  usability questions came up:

  1. When creating a new report, can I assign it to a new or predefined report folder?  My experience has been that I have to move the report to a folder post creation.  For obvious reasons this is inconvenient to have all new reports as uncategorized.
  2. Is report folders available in the Dashboard Builder?  Part of the reason for report folders is the ability to categorize and organize reports so that they are easily searchable.  Without the same method to organize the reports in Report Builder, they are difficult to find in the Dashboard Builder.  An example of this is customers typically prefix reports to make them easy to find, putting them in report folder solves this in the Report Builder side but does not on the Dashboard builder side.

1 reply

Thanks for your feedback Eric. Agree with both suggestions. Now that we've rolled out core folders, we plan to do #2 for Spring release. #1 I agree would be useful to place in folder at time of creating report vs later. This is a stretch goal for Spring Release
