Calculating Retention Rates in Gainsight

  • 21 June 2021
  • 3 replies

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We assume that you have a way to identify which customer is due for renewal and when is their renewal and you are tracking the renewal process(Opportunity) something similar to the below example. 




To calculate Retention Rates in Gainsight, We should use the Data Designer feature. Click here to know more about Data Designer.


Calculating Net Revenue Retention Rate:

Step 1:

Using Data Designer, fetch Renewal and Expansion Related Information from Opportunity along with their Close Dates and Stages. 




Step 2:

Next step is to get the First day of the Quarter for the Close Date of Opportunity. In case if you want to get Retention Rates by Month, You need to get the First Day of the Month for the Close Date of Opportunity.




Step 3:

Get the SUM of Amount of all the Opportunities, SUM of Current ARR  and Total Number of Accounts per Quarter(Grouping by Quarter). 



SUM of Amount → Total Renewable ARR

Count of Accounts → Total Renewable Accounts

SUM of Current ARR → Total Current ARR



Step 4:

Get the SUM of Amount, Count of Accounts from all the Closed Won Opportunities



SUM of Amount → Total Renewed ARR

Count of Accounts → Total Renewed Accounts


Stage = Closed Won




Step 5:

Get the SUM of Amount, Count of Accounts from all the Closed Lost Opportunities



SUM of Amount → Total Lost ARR

Count of Accounts → Total Lost Accounts


Stage = Closed Lost




Step 6:

Merge(Left Join) Total Renewable Information with Total Renewed Information on the First Day of the Quarter field.




Step 7:

Merge(Left Join) the data from the above step with Total Lost Information on the First Day of the Quarter field.




Step 8:

Calculate the Net Revenue Retention Rate using Calculate field.

Here is the formula:


  1. If you are using the Amount field for (Renewal ARR + Expansion ARR), then use the below formula.

NRR = (Total Renewed ARR/Total Current ARR)*100


  1. If you have different fields for Renewal ARR and Expansion ARR, then use the below formula.

NRR = ((Total Renewed ARR + Total Expansion ARR)/Total Current ARR)*100


In the above screenshots, we used the Amount field for (Renewal ARR + Expansion ARR). 



Calculating Logo Retention Rate:


In the Step 8, you can also add one more calculated field for Logo Retention.

Here is the formula:


Logo Retention Rate = (Total Renewed Accounts/Total Renewable Accounts)*100






As we do not have enough data in our local demo instance, the report is not showing data for all the quarters.

Calculating Gross Revenue Retention Rate:


You can follow the above steps for GRR as well but in the first step, fetch only Renewal Opportunities. You need to exclude Expansion Opportunities and Expansion ARR.


Here is the formula:


GRR = (Total Renewed ARR /Total Current ARR)*100


Total Renewed ARR is just Renewal ARR. Expansion ARR is not included here.



Note: This will be enhanced soon to include “Logo retention Rates”.


3 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +3

Thanks @krishna_reddy_k  for such a detailed explanation on calculating the NRR(Net Retention Rate).

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

@krishna_reddy_k awesome, that’s a great explanation. Thank you for sharing this here.


Thanks @krishna_reddy_k  - this is very helpful. 
This process will give us Gross Renewal Rate for the year i.e. Retention rate for account up for Renewal this year. 

Is there any method to calculate the Gross Retention Rate  that includes accounts which are not renewing this year). 
