Expose the untracked, unmapped, unidentified product pages/features in an organized "unmapped" location

Related products: PX Product Mapper

Use Case:

Our product is particularly deep, offering a LOT of feature customization and capability to savvy customers. That means that the Suggestion Mode mapping isn’t a “complete” look at the structure of our platform, and mapping of the product manually requires a measured and prioritized approach. Without a resource to see the unmapped activity in my product, I don’t know what pages/features aren’t yet uncovered, what kind of activity those product areas are capturing, nor how I should prioritize them.


Not all product pages or features are equal in priority. That said, the purpose of Gainsight PX is to capture data to determine feature priorities and recognize or uncover usage trends previously unknown. Unfortunately, the Product Mapper requires you to already know what pages and features are a priority (in order for them to be mapped, you have to know/think to map them). 

Discovering how your customers actually interact with your product includes identifying pages and features that you’re not necessarily paying attention to. Gainsight PX does not offer a means to see what you haven’t already been looking for.


The Competition:

Note that a major competitor to Gainsight PX, Pendo, offers an organized, clean, easily accessible resource that shows all the unmapped page visits and feature hits in your product. You can periodically review the “Other” or “Unmapped” areas of your product to identify frequently occurring entries and map them, back-filling the data to further enrich your Product Map.

I’m currently working my way through the Product Mapper as a new customer to Gainsight PX.  The suggestion mode is not finding the more obscure locations, as mentioned by the author of this idea.

Since we were briefly Pendo customers earlier this year, I really miss the “unmapped URL” feature in their product.  That did uncover many pages in our very old & complex product that I never would have known about.  The seldom-used pages are often the ones that we really need the analytics on.

I know you are tracking every URL our users hit -- please surface the ones that I have forgotten to map!

Hello @TFisherCC , thank you for your post. Looping in our Product Manager to look into this and get back to you!


I completely endorse this idea. We are currently onboarding as new customers and have two very large products we’re mapping. Within both poducts, our customers can carry out a variety of workflows.

While we have a pretty good handle on what these workflows are (and have comprehensively mapped them), we are still seeing a not-insignificant amount of data being categorized into “Other” workflows. While we could certainly do a Hail Mary and attempt to map every single UI element in both products, I do not think such an approach would be cost-effective, and it might cause more problems than it solves.

Given that Gainsight PX is able to identify that an element with which a user interacted is not in the mapped inventory (and that that interaction took place), it seems like a reasonable assumption that this data is stored somewhere. It would be fantastic if that data could be mined to delivere even basic functionality such as the ability to export to a CSV all element classes contained in an “Other” flow.

We could then audit and deduplicate the report to identify the missing mapped events.