Export XLIFF API - extension

Related products: PX Engagements


Below, you’ll find some ideas to extend the existing Export XLIFF API.

We currently export the content of our engagements via API, choosing only the ‘Ready for translation’ state as an export criterion so that all engagements having this state are exported.
It would be great if we could also add further criteria, such as labels, to filter what we want to export.

What we need, as well, is a way to remove the localized content of several engagements at once. Now, we have to remove it manually from every engagement.

Furthermore, it would be useful if we could customize the xliff files during the export (e.g., giving them descriptive names).

Thank you very much.

Best regards,


@Katharina Thanks for sharing your idea here. As I am not very much sure about the road-map in this area I am redirecting this to the product team.