Engagement should keep appearing until user clicks Got it! or closes it

Related products: PX Engagements

An engagement (bar/dialog/guide) should remain visible till the user clicks the X to close the
engagement, or clicks *Got it *button on the engagement. This should be possible without using an overlay. 

Also, the engagement should not reappear once the user has interacted with the guide (closed it or clicked a button). 

This ensures that the user keeps on seeing the guide on a non-intrusive format but is not blocked to take other actions on the page. 

@ruso thank you for sharing here. We will take a look into it.

@ruso  Can we consider using KCBot with this engagement calling for the users attention? This helps draw users attention without being intrusive. 

@ruso  Can we consider using KCBot with this engagement calling for the users attention? This helps draw users attention without being intrusive. 


Thanks for the idea skalle; but we want the information to be displayed upfront. Our data shows that when the information is hidden in the KC bot, the click through rates drop dramatically.