Ability to expand "Other" category in Path Analyzer reports

Related products: PX Analytics

In Path Analyzer when the threshold value is set to “0”, report displays top 9 features and everything else will be categorized as “Other”. It would be helpful if there is an ability to expand the “other” category to see what features are included.

This would be very valuable.  The Other category can often represent 25-33% of usage in our data.  One suggestion that might be a quick win is to show / hide non page view events as I find paths to be most valuable in context of page views first, and then including other events to drill into the details.

Hiding certain data in Path Analyzer reports was proposed in https://community.gainsight.com/px-product-ideas-23/ability-to-hide-certain-type-of-events-in-path-analyzer-report-38215?postid=42094#post42094.

This is critical in my mind, combined with being able to exclude more than one feature.