Patch option for External APIs

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Hi All,

We have a use case  - Our CSMs use Gainsight ,and our Sales team use our CRM - Hubspot.

As there is no direct way of syncing Timeline Notes from Gainsight to Hubspot ,we use External APIs to do this, based on the below Hubspot API documentation:

To give our Sales Team visibility to the Notes added by the CSM ,especially in case of a Back to Sales(If the customer is not a fit)
Based the this doc - to create a new note in Hubspot ,i should use POST - using which I am able to send newly created notes from GS to HS.
However to update a note ,I should use PATCH - However i do not see this option in the External Actions .

How would you recommend updating edited Notes from Gainsight to Hubspot via APIs(or any other option)?

I would also like to see PATCH HTTP request verbs supported, but for another use case: Google Chat webhooks.

Using PUT calls in my external API actions poses the risk of overwriting new fields in the target.

Google strongly recommends PATCH instead of PUT for many APIs:

We standardize on PATCH because Google updates stable APIs in place with backwards-compatible improvements. It is often necessary to add a new field to an existing resource, but this becomes a breaking change when using PUT.

My use case is that I want to PATCH the Google Chat webhook endpoint to update chat space postings via webhook with new data. In my case, I have the chat message ID and I’d like to append status updates to the previous posting. Examples include appending details from a customer support case, status updates on a scorecard metric, status updates from specific CTA types, etc.

Using PUT for this action goes against the webhook’s recommendations.