Require filter in calculated field within conditional wait?

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Within this article, it is mentioned that one working with calculated fields in a program, you need to add an account mapping. 

Note: It is important to complete this mapping to participant fields so that the Calculated Field will fetch the correct value for the participant in question. Not doing this could lead to incorrect data being queried.

You can use a combination of Field and Value to define the filters.

a. If users select Field, all mapped participants fields can be used.
This seems pretty important yet the product allows you to proceed without this. Can we either make this required or add a tooltip that references this?

Ex. The below would need to be filtered so the calculated field only looks at the # of days in onboarding for a specific account. The filter added is account mapped to the account field within AO participants.

This is similar to sending account level  reports but when adding reports to an outreach or program it indicates an account or contact mapping is required.

Good point, Alex.  Two comments.  First, I want to make sure that it is clear that the remarks about account fields are only an example.  You can use any MDA of Salesforce object for the calculated field.   For example, you might look at something from the User record in which case the key filter would not have anything to do with account.  Second, to make the Calculated field work right the key point is to make sure that you end up with a single value.  This is a bit different than the automatic filter applied in the embedded Reports situation, which is a failsafe for making sure that you don't accidentally send the wrong info to a customer.  It doesn't matter whether applying an account filter brings you down to one record or not.  I believe it is actually pretty difficult for the system to automatically know whether the query and filter will necessarily result in that single value.  E.g. what happens if you add another record to the table later?
Hi Karl,

I understand that these filters can be anything and that we can't make it so the product knows if something is missing or won't bring back a single value.

In my specific situation, the customer missed the account filter so it dropped any that got to that specific conditional wait step. 

So, my hope is we can make this more user friendly for someone setting up this up for the first time.
For sure.  My only point is that we could more realistically focus on reminders and error messages rather than hard enforcement since it isn't obvious how to do that. I really appreciate you bringing this up. 
Thanks Alex for bringing this up. We are planning to add a warning when a conditional wait is created without any filters created. But as Karl said, we cannot truly guarantee that the value will be unique. 
Can we add that warning AND include this info on Help Articles in Gainsight Go??....

 Second, to make the Calculated field work right the key point is to make sure that you end up with a single value.  


Am I understanding Karl’s statement to mean that this only works on fields with a single value? Does a calculated field not work with fields that store multiple values?