Create outreaches based off timeline activity

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I don't believe this functionality is available, yet, but someone correct me if I am wrong.  I would like to be able to set up an outreach where the powerlist is derived from logged timeline activities.  

Example: CSM logs a Training activity type.  I would like to be able to create a powerlist that selects all the external contacts from every Training activity logged in the last 24 hours and send them a survey.
That is a great use case for sure.  Unfortunately, you are correct that this is not yet available.  The Timeline Activities are available for Rules, Reports, etc. *except* for the Notes an Contacts parts.  (Yea, I know, those are important parts...)  The reason Contacts is hard is because there can be any number of them.  This requires additional handling on our end to deal with.  [To get techie for a second, the Contacts data is in a JSON structure and Rules, Reports, etc. expect tables.]  
This came up again in discussions about moving our VoC program into Gainsight.  We'd like to be able to send event-based surveys when a service is closed (I think we can do this with existing functionality) and when a training is logged, and we also want to move training logging out of Salesforce, and into Timeline. 

I think we can probably get what we want by jumping through a bunch of hoops and lookups to salesforce and back, but it'd be a lot cleaner if we could just trigger the survey from the Gainsight activity. 
Leanne, if your triggering object is in SFDC, you can use the "Associated Object" functionality in Surveys to send event based surveys - see this link:

As far as triggering from an External Contact from a Timeline activity - that's not possible *yet*. 🙂
Thanks Dan.  I really don't want to keep using the SF trigger. Any idea when the *yet* is coming? 🙂
Hi Leanne - we are tentatively targeting the ability to report on meeting attendees from Timeline in our winter release. 🙂
Perfect!  Thanks!

@sai_ram is that the correct link? I’m not seeing anything in the documentation about timeline as a source for Programs and your anchor link brings the reader to the bottom of the release notes under Issues Addressed. 

@kelly Thanks for the update, I trashed it. 

Is this actually implemented? I see External Attendees as a string in JO not a lookup to person(s).

Never mind I see there is another object for it! COOL