Sticky-Filter Global Timeline by Account Field

Related products: CS Timeline

For the new Global Timeline tab to be really useful, my CSMs would want to be able to filter it for just their Accounts, and my Implementation Consultants would want to filter for just those Accounts where they are the 'IC' AND the Account Lifecycle Stage is "Onboarding". (All of these are fields on the Account.)

Right now, they can only filter by Activity Author, but that doesn't give them visibility into "what's going on for my accounts?" or the ability to search for "where was that note about an upsell that I remember someone put on an Account last week but I forget which Account..."  Nor does it give a manager access to, "What's going on on this person's Accounts?"

Also, the filter should be [i]sticky, so that they can automatically come back to the view of Timeline that's relevant for [i]them.
Hi Seth,

This exactly is our plan. We plan to give the capability to add advanced filters from account, customerInfo, relationship and custom fields of ActivityTimeline objects. We will also give the capability to save these filters as views (similar to Cockpit). This is in our short-term roadmap, I will post more updates here as we make progress.

In medium-term, we will also give admin the capability to push views to all or group of users (both in Timeline and Cockpit).

Thanks for posting,

Beautiful! Thank you, Nitisha.
I second this - a manager would also like to see their entire portfolio or a specific person if they are having a review.  Or exec might like to see an entire region.  Ability (for even admin) to add additional fields for filters would be great.  then like cockpit, save the filters as set views.
+1 I was actually going to suggest this same idea. Thanks Seth!
Definitely would help our team if the filter was sticky... currently, they have to reconfigure the filters each time they navigate away from the page.

+1. We would like to be able to filter by region as well - or other values pulled in from SFDC.