Timeline Search Fields

Related products: CS Timeline

Can anyone confirm what fields the Timeline Search box is searching? Is it both subject and body, or just body? I could not find this information in any documentation.

Hi Zach,

It's both subject and body of the activity.
Manu - Does it support partial search? For instance if there is a value of SDCPURVDI01 in the subject, should i be able to find it by searching SDCPUR?
Has to be an exact match, I believe, but it's not case-sensitive.
This info is in the end user article for the Timeline feature, not the Admin config article:


Hello Everyone!

Happy to announce that your request has been considered and included as part of the v6.18 release (SFDC / NXT). With this release, Timeline's search functionality has been improved. Users can now search by Content, Entity, and People. This enhancement enables users to add additional options to limit the search and to filter search results further.

This feature is implemented in both SFDC & NXT versions.

Thanks for posting!