Available Dashboards based on profile

Related products: CS Reports & Dashboards

It would be nice to filter the available dashboards based on a user profile or user role.  For example, we have dashboards that are only specific to a CSM, a Director, and an Exec based on filters.  The CSM only sees the reports that are specific to their portfolio while an Exec looking at this dashboard sees nothing.  It would be great that when the exec logs in, they don't have the option to select this dashboard but only the dashboards that are relevant to them.  This would reduce what looks like useless noise to one user but is a beneficial view to another.
Hi Ryan,

Thanks for the feedback. We are in the process of ideating dashboard permissions through which you can restrict the dashboards that a user can view. Stay tuned for further updates on this.

Starting feb release, you can optionally enable dashboard permissions and assign view permissions to users of a dashboard. If enabled, only users who have view permissions will be able to see the dashboard.

sorting and grouping would still be nice option 🙂
Thanks!  Will these permissions be user specific or profile specific?
Permissions will be user specific.

Could you please elaborate your request on sorting and grouping?

Sorting is the easy one, it would be nice to have the option to sort the dashboards alphabetically - makes it easier to find the one you want. Grouping might be solved by the user based permissions, the idea being that you would have categories of dashboards that could be grouped together. For example, North America CSM dashboards, manager dashboards. You might also have non-user specific groupings such as Health Score dashboards, Adoption dashboards, etc.

For the permissions model, you are saying there is no way to do that for a particular role or apply the permissions based on role? Having to set it individually for every single user seems like a lot of work and overhead; but maybe I'm misunderstanding.
I agree with the your statement on permissions.  There is no way I can go in and modify permissions for 400 users.  However, it would be a feasible task by profile.  
Yes even setting it for just 10 users (our CS Ops team) is a nightmare cause I have to scroll through each individual person and check the box.  I would settle for a Search box as an interim measure - but still agree that profiling is essential.
Hey All, With the Winter release we have enhance our dashboard permissions(Gainsight Permissions) . Please refer this document for permissions related information. Please go through our Winter -2018 release notes for more info.
+1 On the idea for easier Dashboard Permission Management.  In order to keep a clean look, and not overwhelm everyone with Dashboards, we have to set permissions by individual user.  It would be easier upkeep if we could go by Groups instead.  Either custom Groups, or by the Users Role.
Our Winter Release notes is out and Please refer to the Release notes for more info.