Display customer logo & sponsor faces prominently

Related products: CS Rules & Permissions

One of our team members once told me that they create a 1-pager for every customer they start working with, and that a huge part of its value is that they paste in the company's logo and the customer's LinkedIn photo. Those visual cues help her bring to mind, in a blink, the customer's needs and her relationship with them, and helps her put a human face on the emails and phone conversations she's having with them. I would love for her to simply be able to use the C360 as her 1-pager.

It would be great if the C360 could use sponsor tracking to pull the company's logo from LinkedIn, and put it, along with the faces of the tracked sponsors, into a concise module at the top of the page.
Thanks, Seth. We absolutely have plans to highlight this on the 360 page, as part of the upcoming UI overhaul. Interesting idea to pull the logo through Sponsor Tracking -- will explore in further detail.
Super, thanks, Manu!