
Do we have a good workaround or direct connector like G- Connector?

  • 1 August 2019
  • 9 replies

Userlevel 4
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Hi There,

Is there a way to move data from Gainsight into either a Google Sheet or Excel? I'm imagining something like what G-Connector does in Google Sheets where it automatically updates Google Sheets based off of a report in SFDC

9 replies

Userlevel 7
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@shiv_kumar_katiyar What kind of data would you kind to move? What is the exact use-case you want to achive?

Hi @sai_ram_pulluri,

@shiv_kumar_katiyar submitted this based on my chat into GS support. We currently are doing some KPI reporting, based off of metrics we maintain in GS, in a spreadsheet. The long-term plan is to eventually move this into a data visualization tool but for a couple quarters of development, testing, etc the spreadsheet option is faster to iterate/customize/etc. Having a data connector that would automatically refresh this data daily, rather than having to do manual exports, would save our team time, help with predicatability and reduce the element of human error. I hope this helps to explain the use case, if you have additional questions please just let me know.

Userlevel 7
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@sumesh any thoughts??

Bubbling this thread back into existence, as I also have questions around this?  Particularly in regards to the CSM level (not an admin).

I’m hoping to be able to export sentiment updates, and KPI updates to a google sheet that I can create rules to auto populate certain cells to help me better manage my clients.

Are there any resources to auto export specified data to a designated google sheet when I can then customize?

I found this thread on G-Connector for Salesforce, and wondering if something like this could be replicated for Gainsight/Timeline data, as well as other data.

Userlevel 6
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@shiv_kumar_katiyar, if you’re using the SFDC version and the data resides in a SFDC object, I would recommend using a SFDC connect to G-Suite like mentioned above. This is likely the easiest solution for data that resides in SFDC. 

But if your data resides in the MDA or you’re using Nxt, you can export it to S3. Once in S3, there are some connector options like the following:

I’m not aware of any options that allow you to go directly from MDA to Google sheets. You can export a report to CSV and save it to google sheets but that would likely require human intervention. 

Hi Team,

Is there any progress on the direct connector? I think that would be a great addition.

Adding my voice to mention that this could be LIFE CHANGING. 

Hi @amyjoherman, @LoLock 

Forgot to post an update on this thread.

However, I was able to create a working integration via GSheets and Rule Manager. I’ve been using the same from last 4 months.

Happy to help in case you are still looking for an integration.


Hi @ankitify can you share more details please?
