Zendesk Sync options - Fields

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A customer submitted a support ticket in regards to fields outside of Zendesks standard API - (https://developer.zendesk.com/rest_api/docs/support/ticket_fields#list-ticket-fields)

to be included in the sync and or a separate sync to grab those fields. Two being Brand name and Brand ID.

I think this would be helpful for customers that customize and just want to pull in other fields not included in the standard API

I would love to see this too as we have custom fields we would love to bring over as well!

Hi, @cameron_wright  and @willpatterson . Thank you for submitting this request. The request is to add custom fields from standard objects or custom objects also? 

Hi both,  @cameron_wright  and @willpatterson need your inputs here.

Hi both,  @cameron_wright  and @willpatterson need your inputs here.

Hi both,  @cameron_wright  and @willpatterson need your inputs here.