Visual customization of CTA by status for cockpit view

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I was working with a customer today who brought up a very beneficial idea for viewing CTA's.

They would like the CTA to visually appear different by color, bold, etc.. depending on the status.

Example, if a CTA is "in progress" make the whole bar appear as yellow.
Nice idea!  I would add, make that an option based on user preference. Some end users may want the full colors, some may not. 
I agree 100 percent Jeff, it would be cool to have custom colors, flags, etc.
I’d also love to see the flags in a more contrasting color. As we use them for risk escalation, it would be good for them to stand out more boldly.
Great idea!!  Would love to see this!
Great idea
Awesome idea! This could be great in managing CSM workflows.
Hi All,

Thanks for the idea. If i understand correctly, you want to define colors for the status (or use the one defined by the admin) to visually distinguish the CTA's in cockpit. 

Is the CTA Status the main driver Or should other parameters also influence this? (eg. different colors based on CTA type/status etc?)

Hi Tanya,

When you mention it the color of the mark important flag? (currently it shows up in blue)
The option to customize the way CTA's look in cockpit to distinguish them by a visible color, icon, flag, emoji, etc

If we could run through cockpit and have a "risk" set as red then we could easily identify that by color alone. 

Of course custom colors and multiple options as every user would not want that specifically. 
I think type and status are important to flag with colors. Would make it easy to pinpoint quickly the ones you are looking for.  Right now, they all blend together.