User Hierarchy

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We need an easy way for a manager, director, VP, etc. to filter on data in a dashboard and see all people/accounts that roll up to them. In some cases a Leader might have CSMs, Account Managers, and/or CSM/AM teams reporting to them. The person performing the search needs to be able to see all results.


What also makes this tricky is that an Account Manager leader might have direct and indirect AMs reporting to them. In some cases, a leader has 3-4 assigned AMs and then they may also have a Manager that leads an AM team reporting to them. In this instance, the leader is both the 1st level and 2nd level manager. While we can have filters for both levels on a dashboard, the leader can’t see everyone at once.

@vmoore does that mean you should be able to add the new columns to the user management table?? 

@sai_ram Ideally, the data would live on the User record and be filter-able in dashboards. However, we need an elegant solution for a person to see data (accounts, renewals, timeline entries, etc.) for all of their direct and indirect reports.

Hi @vmoore,

Thanks for sharing the idea. We will look into it and consequently will be putting it in our roadmap. Will keep you posted.


Thanks for the response Neha. So that I can share the good news with my management team, would this be on the short term roadmap (6-9 month) or long-term roadmap (1+ year)?

Hi @vmoore,

We will prioritise the feature based on its popularity. Hence, we will take some time to prioritise the feature on the short term roadmap. We will keep you posted.

Thanks and regards,