Update Overall Health Score to "NA" Upon Customer Churning

Related products: CS Rules & Permissions

Use Case: Customer A has a green health score but is scheduled to churn.  Upon any field update implemented via a rule, update the overall health score to “NA” and retain all the individual health scores that make up the overall score.

This functionality would provide our CSMs with a more accurate health view of the customer just as they are about to churn.

We have gotten around this by only including 'Active' customers within our health updates. This allows the score to stay stagnant once their status has updated to "Churn" ensuring that we have insights into the health at that time. We also have a milestone for when we identify a customer as "At Risk" and have history tracking on our health score to understand what their score was when we identified them as risky. 
Hi Karen,

The suggestion which Samantha has mentioned is what we recommend to our customers as well.

The fact that the customer was green before they churned is a important metric which might indicate that the scorecard can be improved to include additional aspects of the business which is not being captured and can be used to improve the health scoring. 

Does this help your use case?


Abhishek S