UI Views support individual health scores

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We would like the ability to display individual health scores on a UI View of Customers. Currently the overall Health Score from the Customer object can be included. We would also like to display the AM Assessment on a list of customers. This would give the AM visibility to their current assessment and would identify Customers they need to update.


If I understand correctly, you want the UI View to include the individual health measures, and not just the overall health score? This article explains how to set this up:

Hi -

Thanks for sending the link. We have those scorecard views setup as Dashboards. What we would prefer to do is add the AM Assessment score component to a Customer list view on the Customer Tab. I did a mocked up screen capture to help clarify.


I am guessing it is not possible to add the AM Assessment column to a Customer List view because the field is on a different object.


Hi Kristin,

We'll have to write a rule to push that score to a field at the CustomerInfo/Account level. Only then would it be possible to add it to the Customers tab view like you have mocked up.


Would also like to see this as a feature !!

People (CSMs) really like the tabular form of the Scorecard, but right now its harder to find and use in a Dashboard (Gainsight tab).   We would get much more adoption, if the Scorecard could be shown under the Customer Tab.